Mystik Dan Experiences Pimlico Main Track for the First Time

Kentucky Derby winner Mystik Dan, known for performing well in wet conditions, arrived at Pimlico Race Course and trained on a sloppy track, with retired jockey Robby Albarado reminiscing about past successes and expressing confidence in the horse’s readiness for the upcoming race.

– ‣ GI Kentucky Derby winner Mystik Dan adapts well to the sloppy and sealed main track at Pimlico Race Course, indicating a preference for wet conditions as seen in his previous performance in the GIII Southwest S.
– ‣ Retired jockey Robby Albarado, who has won two Preakness victories, including one aboard Swiss Skydiver in 2020, shares his experiences and fond memories of Pimlico and expresses confidence in Mystik Dan’s readiness for the upcoming race.
– ‣ Albarado reminisces about his career and the significant moment of winning the Preakness with Swiss Skydiver, highlighting his desire to win one more major race before retiring and the serendipitous opportunity to ride for Kenny McPeek.

Mystik Dan rolled into town on a van from Louisville, bright and early Sunday. By Monday morning, this GI Kentucky Derby champ was getting his hooves dirty on Pimlico’s sloppy track. And boy, did he seem right at home in that mess.

No shocker there, though. Before clinching the Derby, Mystik Dan had a blast in the mud during the Southwest S., leaving his competition eight lengths behind in the dust—or should I say, mud?

“He’s a clever one,” chuckled Robby Albarado, a retired jockey with a couple of Preakness wins under his belt. “Loves a good challenge, that horse. And rain? Bring it on. He’s just as eager,” he added, eyeing the cloudy skies with a smirk.

Monday had Albarado wandering down memory lane at Pimlico. “Feels like yesterday,” he mused, stopping by Stall 24. That’s where Swiss Skydiver, another McPeek wonder, prepped for her 2020 victory. “Weird not riding this time, but hey, still feels like family.”

Albarado, edging towards retirement back then, had one wish: to snag one last big win. A call to McPeek set the wheels in motion, leading to a Preakness ride on Swiss Skydiver. “Kenny called, and bam, next thing I know, I’m packing for Baltimore. Talk about being in the right place at the right time,” he recalled with a grin.

Meanwhile, over on Twitter, Mike Kane’s snapshot of Mystik Dan prepping at Pimlico was turning heads. The tweet, complete with a link to the photo, buzzed with anticipation for the upcoming Preakness Stakes.

And there you have it—a day in the life as the racing world gears up for another thrilling showdown. With characters like Mystik Dan and veterans like Albarado in the mix, it’s more than just a race; it’s a saga of passion, nostalgia, and the relentless pursuit of glory.

Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris brings expertise and passion to RacingReins as a seasoned Senior Writer. With a robust foundation in Sports Media, Jordan joined the RacingReins editorial team in 2022. Jordan delivers compelling news stories, in-depth feature articles, and detailed racing results.

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