Mystik Dan & Lukas Gallop Together on Tuesday

Kentucky Derby winner Mystik Dan, under Robby Albarado, continued his preparation for the Preakness Stakes with a training session at Pimlico, showing comfort and readiness, while other contenders also geared up for the upcoming race.

– ‣ GI Kentucky Derby winner Mystik Dan (Goldencents) is preparing for the GI Preakness S., showing promising signs during a training session at Pimlico under Robby Albarado, indicating comfort and readiness.
– ‣ Assistant trainer Ray Bryner expressed confidence in Mystik Dan’s abilities and adaptability to potential rainy conditions, highlighting the horse’s favorable post position and resilience on different track conditions.
– ‣ Other notable Preakness contenders, including Wayne Lukas’s Just Steel (Justify) and Seize the Grey (Arrogate), as well as Bob Baffert-trained horses, are also making preparations, indicating a highly competitive field for the upcoming race.

Mystik Dan, the GI Kentucky Derby champ, was out stretching his legs at Pimlico this Tuesday. Under the watchful eye of Robby Albarado, they took it easy, just a casual seven furlongs jog. Then, they picked up the pace, galloping through a mile and a half. Albarado was all smiles afterward, chatting with the press. “He’s breezing through this, not even out of breath,” he said.

Every day’s a new adventure for Mystik Dan, it seems. He’s getting the hang of his new digs, feeling more at home with each passing day. Albarado’s approach? Let the colt set the pace. “I don’t push him. He knows what he’s doing,” he added, clearly proud of their progress.

Meanwhile, over on Twitter, there’s buzz about Mystik Dan’s morning workout. A tweet from TDN showed him in action, hinting at his next challenge at the Preakness Stakes. The excitement is palpable, with fans and followers eagerly awaiting his next move.

Assistant trainer Ray Bryner had nothing but praise for Mystik Dan upon arriving in Baltimore. “He’s a pro through and through,” Bryner remarked. According to him, Mystik Dan’s as chill as they come but knows when it’s game time. “Like flipping a switch,” he said, hinting at the colt’s effortless transition from calm to competitive.

The draw for the race positions turned out better than expected for Mystik Dan’s team. Landing the fifth spot in a field of nine, Bryner couldn’t hide his enthusiasm. Even with the threat of rain, he’s not worried. “Mystik Dan’s ready, rain or shine. A little mud? No problem,” he confidently stated.

Over at Wayne Lukas’ camp, the mood was upbeat as well. His Preakness hopefuls, Just Steel and Seize the Grey, were full of energy after their journey. “They’re looking around, taking it all in, but still, they’re ready,” Lukas shared, impressed by their vigor after a long haul.

Bob Baffert’s duo, ‘TDN Rising Star’ Muth and Imagination, were also on the move. They left California early Tuesday, aiming to settle in Maryland by late afternoon. The anticipation of their arrival added another layer of excitement to the pre-Preakness atmosphere.

Catching Freedom, another contender, seemed in high spirits too. After a fourth-place finish at the Kentucky Derby, he’s back, looking to make a statement. A tweet captured him looking quite pleased with himself, returning to the barn with a spring in his step.

Other arrivals included Tuscan Gold, Uncle Heavy, and Mugatu, each bringing their own story to this year’s Preakness. The stage is set, the players are arriving, and the anticipation is building. It’s shaping up to be an unforgettable race.

Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris brings expertise and passion to RacingReins as a seasoned Senior Writer. With a robust foundation in Sports Media, Jordan joined the RacingReins editorial team in 2022. Jordan delivers compelling news stories, in-depth feature articles, and detailed racing results.

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