What 60 Minutes Got Right & Wrong

The 60 Minutes piece on horse racing was upsetting and unbalanced, focusing only on the negative aspects while ignoring the progress made by the industry, but the issues of drugs and safety are indeed real problems.

‣ 60 Minutes aired a piece on horse racing that lacked balance and portrayed the industry in a negative light
‣ The sport has made meaningful progress when it comes to breakdowns and safety issues
‣ Horse racing regulations have been a failure in the last 50 years, and HISA could usher in changes to improve the industry

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Last week, the popular news show 60 Minutes aired a piece on horse racing that left many people upset. The segment showcased graphic and grisly footage of horses breaking down, depicted the sport as being rife with drugs and corruption, and highlighted the serious issue of horse fatalities. Craig Bandoroff, from Denali Stud, expressed his displeasure by stating, “I was very disappointed in both the piece and 60 Minutes in general. It makes me question the integrity and balance of the pieces I have seen over these many years.”

It’s understandable why individuals within the industry felt that the story was unbalanced. The piece only portrayed one side of the sport, failing to acknowledge the progress that has been made to address issues within horse racing, and it didn’t allow room for the fact that most people are genuinely passionate about the welfare of thoroughbred horses.

60 Minutes did acknowledge that the sport is making strides in addressing its issues. The fatality rate for horses has decreased by 37.5% over the past decade, and various safety protocols have been implemented. Despite these improvements, the news program chose to focus solely on the negative aspects of the sport, failing to provide a balanced viewpoint. It’s important to note that breakdowns and drugs are separate issues, which wasn’t adequately addressed in the segment. However, the core message of the 60 Minutes piece is undeniably valid, as the sport’s drug problems and safety issues are indeed a serious concern.

The segment raised significant questions about the future of horse racing, and whether it will be able to reform and regain its credibility. The harsh spotlight placed on distressing issues surrounding the sport may not have been easy to watch, but it’s served to emphasize the critical need for change. While the portrayal may have been unbalanced, the integral message that concerns in horse racing must be addressed was accurately communicated by 60 Minutes.

Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris
Jordan Harris brings expertise and passion to RacingReins as a seasoned Senior Writer. With a robust foundation in Sports Media, Jordan joined the RacingReins editorial team in 2022. Jordan delivers compelling news stories, in-depth feature articles, and detailed racing results.

Horse Racing News